Getting Started

A guide on how to use ChillBot. The biggest Lofi bot on discord!

About ChillBot

ChillBot is a music bot that streams lofi music to your server. The bot delivers the best lofi beats for you to study, sleep, chill or relax to. ChillBot strives to deliver high quality audio.

One of the easiest bots to use without any configuration.

ChillBot Premium

The premium version of the bot has some amazing features including 24/7 continuous playback, multiple streams support, DJ role configuration, server wide Volume Control and much more. You can get more information about our premium and how to subscribe via patreon.


When you invite the bot, make sure the bot has the correct permissions as listed below. All these permissions are automatically given when you invite the bot. But if you have any specific channel permissions, ensure the ChillBot role has a Green Check ✅for the following perms In the Text Channels:

  • View Channel

  • Read message history

  • Send Messages

  • Embed Link

  • Use External Emojis

  • Attach files

  • Add reactions

In The voice Channels:

  • Connect

  • Speak

  • Mute members

  • Deafen members

  • Move members

If you'd like the bot to only respond in or join specific channels see the advanced permissions page for a guide on that.

Advanced Permissions

Last updated