Premium Commands

By subscribing to a premium chillbot subscription, you will unlock access to 2 additional bots with higher quality and stability than the normal bot!

All bots use the prefix /.

ChillBot Premium has the same commands from the free version of ChillBot and more which are shown below

ChillBot Premium 1 Invite link here.

ChillBot Premium 2 Invite link here.

Parameters in between < > are mandatory. Parameters on either side of the " | " means you choose either one.

DJ Role

DJ role allows members without manage messages permission to stop the bot from playing music. To add a DJ role, first create a role then use the djrole add command followed by a role. You can either mention the role OR use the role ID. You can only have 1 DJ role

You can check if there is already a djrole with djrole info command.

/djrole info

You can remove a DJ role by using the djrole removecommand

/djrole remove


You can set the default volume of chillbot using the Volume command. You can set the volume level from 1-100

This is different from users manually changing the volume by clicking on the bot.

/volume 75


ChillBot Premium has multiple streams that you can use from. To get a list of streams use the station command. This also gives you links to the streams we use.

/station <station>

Premium Guild

To activate chillbot premium

/premium config add

To remove a premium server

/premium config remove (ID)

You can remove a guild by ID if you are not anymore on the server.

To get an overview of all your premium servers and how many can still be upgraded just do :

/premium config list

You can see an example here :

Last updated